Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Last Friday..

So, I've decided to add this to my blog, last week on Friday, I decided to back to JC to get back on track with my weight issue, and I was shocked to see that I had gone from my goal weight at 50kg to 58.05, so I've managed to gain 8kg over a period of time..so this is it time to get my but into gear and nuckle down for real, so I'll go back each Friday and weigh myself and nothing in between..I've added a list in the side bar to keep me honest as the weeks count down...wish me luck!

As for this afternoon I posted the 6th challenge for the BOM at Scrapbook Savvy, this is a LO about, or a tribute LO on a grandparent..here is mine....


Renee Culpan said...

Good luck with JC, you will be right once you get started again!!
I love both your layouts, what a beautiful tribute to your grandad and I love the sass a frass papers on your giggle pot layout.

Anonymous said...

Saw LO Sat.Grandad said does this make him a celebrity.
Love you